Rischan Mafrur

Data Scientist @CryptoDataWarehouse


I am a very curious person, especially when it comes to matters related to data. I am passionate about data and analytics, and I also love teaching. Currently, I am working at SIRCA Ltd in Sydney, Australia. I work with a large amount of Australian Stock Exchange data and I am currently building a Crypto Data Warehouse for SIRCA. I am working remotely and living a nomadic lifestyle with my family. In my free time, I do crypto analysis and publish it on my Medium. Here is the link if you want to read.

In 2023, I graduated with a PhD in Data Science from The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia, with the thesis focus on data exploration, visualization, and analytics. I tutored several majors at UQ, including Advanced Database Systems (INFS3200), Database Principles (INFS7901), and Relational Database Systems (INFS2200). I earned my master’s degree in Computer Engineering from Chonnam National University, South Korea, and a bachelor’s degree in IT from Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Indonesia.

I often participate in Kaggle data science competitions, and I am currently a Kaggle competition expert. I also frequently undertake casual projects related to data science (analysis, machine learning modeling, etc.). I worked as a back-end software engineer at Kartoza Pty Ltd from 2015 to 2017. If you need assistance with data-related problems, please don’t hesitate to send me an email.

Additionally, I am interested in projects related to cryptocurrencies (e.g., DeFi, Dapps, NFTs, Web3). In 2021, I started educating Indonesian millennials and Gen Z individuals about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Decentralized apps (Dapps), and Non-fungible tokens (NFTs). In November 2022, I joined a 4-week bootcamp held by Covalent. Out of 1200 registered applicants, 250 were selected, and 125 completed the bootcamp. The bootcamp consisted of 4 modules and 4 challenges. Participants who completed all the bootcamp challenges received a reward in the form of money and became Covalent Web3 Data Alchemist fellows.

Feel free to reach out to me if you need help related to data and crypto.